• Conor

    As a Dad with many friends who are also fathers and mothers, I see the tsunami that is teenage mental health and the lack of support services. For me, this row is hopefully my effort to inspire my own kids to dream big and work hard and to raise much needed funds to support all of the kids that are struggling out there to find their place.

  • Daragh

    From a personal perspective I love chasing the “runner’s high” that finishing big events give, the friendships made over the years, the example that it sets for my kids & family and being able to do something that will benefit the chosen charities.

  • Enda

    It is the opportunity of a lifetime to take part in a great adventure with a group of like-minded friends. I am scared by the size of the challenge ahead both in training and for the row but would not miss it for the world. It also gives me the opportunity to give a little back by raising funds for truly great charities that support children in need.

  • John

    My daughter was born with a complex heart condition. As a parent in a situation like this you feel very helpless. In many ways, day to day life for Saoirse can be like an Atlantic crossing fraught with unknowns and stormy conditions. The things that most of us take for granted are daily challenges for Saoirse. I tell her all the time that she is my hero and I would like to inspire her as much as she inspires me.

Rowing experience?

I’m just going for the cocktails
— Daragh
Which way’s the front again?
— Conor
Tried one of the machines in the gym once - HATED IT
Hate wetting my hair
— Enda